At KFF Foundation Events

Susan Roads

KFF Foundation events typically offer patrons a variety of food and beverage options in each of the two theater areas. Within Kennedy Outdoor Theater, the Heyman Pavilion accommodates up to 5 food vendor booths. Near the Threadgill Memorial Theater in the campground, there is space to accommodate up to 3 food vending trailers. Each event is slightly different, so opportunities vary.
For more information or if you are interested in food vending at a Kerrville Folk Festival Foundation event, please send an email to: foodie@kerrvillefolkfestival.org
If you would like to be considered for food vending at a KFF Foundation event, email the above address with the following information:
Email Address:
Website &/or Facebook Page:
Description of typical food offered:
What is your typical vending format/location? (shared space, food truck, trailer?)
What are some other events where you have vended food?
About how many people do you typically serve on a daily basis?
Have you been to the Kerrville Music Festivals before? If so, when?
Are you available for the entire Kerrville Folk Festival this year?
Are you available the week before &/or the few days after the KFF?
Please attach any photos that would support your application (e.g. food items, truck/trailer, menu, vending at other events, etc.)
We want to thank you for your interest in vending at KFF Foundation events!
Please keep in mind KFF food vending space is EXTREMELY limited.
We will keep your info & application on file, so even if there is not available space this year,
we may still contact you in the future about food vending.